

»It is in dialogue that we can shape a shared future.« 

Pope Francis.



Italy is one of the major hubs of the global migration movement and its capital Rome is home to the Vatican, the centre of the global catholic community.

Participants will have the opportunity to converse with high-ranking dignitaries of the Vatican. They will gain insights into the Catholic Church, interreligious life and the media landscape in the church and secular spheres.

Exchanges with representatives of the Dicastery for Communication (“Dicasterium pro Communicatione Vaticano”) are also planned. It was set up by Pope Francis with the aim of bringing together the various bodies entrusted with the media.

These include the Pontifical Council for the Social Communications, the Holy See, Press Office, Vatican News, the weekly newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican Television Centre, the photo service, the Internet Office of the Holy See and the Vatican Press.

The programme includes meetings with editors from secular media as well as exchanges with members of organisations specialising in interreligious peace work. Research excursions are also planned, including to the tomb of St. Peter, the necropolis under the Vatican Basilica, the synagogue and the Grand Mosque.

The next international journalist training on interreligious dialogue in Rome takes place from October 13 to 17, 2024.